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Owl Cafe uk

Owl Cafe uk

Hartington Derbyshire

In the Peak District

Welcome to our Owl Cafe

Our unique Owl Cafe uk is a chance for you and your family and friends to spend some time in the company of our wonderful hand reared Owls.

We have six tame friendly owls for you to meet and handle whilst on your visit with us, you can handle all six if you are so inclined or just your favourite ones our staff will answer any questions you might have about the owls and whilst you are welcome to take as many pictures as you like please don’t forget that we give each person a framed A4 picture to take away to remind you of your visit.

Our Owls include two European Eagle Owls, One Female Snowy Owl, One Little Owl and One Bengal Eagle Owl and One Barn Owl.


Included in the entrance fee is a cup of tea, coffee or soft drink and one of our hand made cakes or biscuits while you meet our Owls.

You will also get an A4 framed picture of you and the Owl / Owls of your choice when you leave.


We would advise you to book in advance as we get very busy and cannot guarantee that you will be able to get a place by just turning up.

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owl cafe uk
Opening hours
June to September

​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm

​Sunday:  10am - 7pm

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